Policy - Hardware Sales & Raffles

Policy - Hardware Sales & Raffles

Policy on Hardware Sales

            1.) The price of the hardware is determined based on the Manufacturer's trade-in value. If the trade-in value states $0 or "recycled", offer value will be determined by IT.

            2.) The initial issued owner will first be given the offer to purchase their retired hardware. If they decline to purchase the hardware, it will be eligible for purchase during a Hardware Sale Raffle Event.
            3.) Hardware Sale Raffle Event will be held annually, or as determined by IT.

            4.) Eligibility Requirements: Must be a current BTAA HQ Staff Member.


Hardware Sale Raffle Event

 * If you wish to participate and are unable to make it to the office during the day of the sale, you may submit an email or send a team message to put your name on the list of the desired product.

1.) Email will be sent out in advance of the hardware sale, all items in the sale will be in email, as well as the date and time of the sale.

2.) Hardware will be displayed with spec sheets stating the internal components and the currently offered price.

3.) Sign-up sheets will be placed with each device. Throughout the day of the hardware sale, staff members will have the ability to sign up for whichever product they would like a chance of purchasing.

4.) At the end of the workday, a raffle will be held for each device based on whoever signed up. Winners will be notified by email.

5.) Fixed Asset Disposal Form will be filled out with a check attached. Checks can be made payable to the “Big Ten Academic Alliance".


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